I've always loved to read, and people are constantly asking me for book recommendations, so I started writing my recommendations with short reviews on the blog. Now, as I start back into it all as a full-time nursing student at a different (much busier) time in my life, it seemed obvious that this would be my new effortless focus.
The name "Taylor Your Life" is a sort of play on words that I came up with when I first created this blog back in 2014. It has been figuratively collecting dust and forgotten by nearly everyone who knew about it, but keeping the same name will hopefully put it back on the radar to those that once followed along.
Each post has a similar layout, shown below. I've used this example to explain what each portion means and where to look for certain information. I hope this makes navigating each review easier, but if you have any questions, please feel free to comment, email, tweet, etc. using the contact buttons on the right side of the blog ------>

• Click the image to be directed to the book's Amazon page.
• Each link below leads to the tag for that word, with the exception of Goodreads.
• For example, clicking on the Author's name will show you more posts on this blog in which that author has been tagged-- other books I have read by that author.
• Click here to see my actual post on Gone Girl.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Published by Publisher on Date of Publication
Genre(s): Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir ---- A list of genres in which this book has been placed according to Goodreads.
• Click each one to see more books that I have read within that genre.
Format: Audiobook ---- Format(s) in which I read the book.
• Click the link to see other books that I read in this format.
Pages: 400
Goodreads synopsis: Here, you can read the synopsis of the book that can be originally found on its Goodreads page, always in italics to separate it from my personal review.
• Each link below leads to the tag for that word, with the exception of Goodreads.
• For example, clicking on the Author's name will show you more posts on this blog in which that author has been tagged-- other books I have read by that author.
• Click here to see my actual post on Gone Girl.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Published by Publisher on Date of Publication
Genre(s): Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir ---- A list of genres in which this book has been placed according to Goodreads.
• Click each one to see more books that I have read within that genre.
Format: Audiobook ---- Format(s) in which I read the book.
• Click the link to see other books that I read in this format.
Pages: 400
Here is the synopsis of Gone Girl as an example:
On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne’s fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick’s clever and beautiful wife disappears. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn’t doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife’s head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media—as well as Amy’s fiercely doting parents—the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he’s definitely bitter—but is he really a killer?

Here, you can read my review of the book!
I've added all the books I've read during my hiatus, but during that time, I did not keep up with written reviews as I would have liked, so some posts will not feature anything here, instead only showing the synopsis above and the star rating below.
If you want to know my individual thoughts on a particular book that does not have a written review, feel free to contact me directly!
At the bottom of each post, you can find the star rating that I have given the book based on my own 5-Star scale. Click the image to see more books that have received that same rating.
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